A költészet tavasza · Spring of poetry · Primăvara poeziei, Poems, an anthology in Romanian, Hungarian and English

A költészet tavasza · Spring of poetry · Primăvara poeziei
Poems, an anthology in Romanian, Hungarian and English
Edited by Összeállította: Balázs F. Attila
Translated by Fordították: Corina Știrb Cooper, Balázs F. Attila, Halmosi Sándor, Gyermán-Tóth Márta, Pethő Lorand, Murányi Zita, Balázs Boróka, Sohár Pál, Șerban Foarță, Irina Dubsky, Zalán Tibor, Tünde Kovács, Csergő Domokos
AB ART, 2024 Publisher (Hungary)

A költészet tavasza · Spring of poetry · Primăvara poeziei
Poeme, Antologie colectivă în limbile română, maghiară, engleză
Editat de Összeállította: Balázs F. Attila
Traduceri de / Fordították: Corina Știrb Cooper, Balázs F. Attila, Halmosi Sándor, Gyermán-Tóth Márta, Pethő Lorand, Murányi Zita, Balázs Boróka, Sohár Pál, Șerban Foarță, Irina Dubsky, Zalán Tibor, Tünde Kovács, Csergő Domokos
Editura AB ART, 2024 (Ungaria)


HU: AURA CHRISTI (Románia, Moldovai Köztársaság), költő, regényíró, eszszéíró és szerkesztő. Több mint 60 könyve (vers, regény, esszé) jelent meg Romániában és külföldön. Költészetét 18 nyelvre fordították le.
Több mint 20 díjat kapott Romániában és külföldön. A Contemporanul folyóirat főszerkesztője. A Contemporanul. Ideea Europeană főszerkesztője, amely a Román Akadémia égisze alatt jelenik meg. A Román Nyelvű Izraeli Írók Szövetsége és az Izraeli-Román Kulturális Központ a „2017-es év emberének” választotta, „Opera Omnia” díjjal és „Zsidó hála” ezüstéremmel tüntette ki a Zsoltárok és a Planeta Israel című kötetekért. Kiválósági díjat kapott a költészethez való nemzetközi hozzájárulásért a kínai Miluo Folyó nemzetközi költészeti és művészeti hét díjátadó gáláján (2020). Valamint „Szent György” költészeti nagydíjjal tüntették ki a szerbiai Uzdin Nemzetközi Költészeti Fesztiválján (2021).

ENG: AURA CHRISTI (born in Republic of Moldova), laureate of the Romanian Academy Award, is a poet, novelist, essayist and editor. Her poems were translated into French, Russian, English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, among other languages. She published over 60 books in Romania and abroad. Mrs. Aura Christi’s poetry was translated in over 20 foreign languages. She was awarded more than 20 prizes in Romania, also in other countries. The Association of Israeli Writers and the Israeli-Romanian Cultural Center designated her in 2018 “The Personality of the Year 2017”, and the following year, they awarded her the Opera Omnia Award and the Jewish Gratitude silver medal for the volumes Psalms and The Israel Planet.
The prize of excellence for her contribution to international poetry was received at the International Week of Poetry and Art Awards Gala Miluo River in China (2020). The Saint George Great Prize for Poetry was granted with the occasion of the “ Spike Roads” International Poetry
Festival in Uzdin,Vojvodina, Serbia (2021).She is Editor-in-Chief of the The Contemporary. The European Idea Journal/ revista Contemporanul. Ideea Europeană, published under the auspices of the Romanian Academy.
Member of the Romanian Writers’ Union. Member of the Union of Writers in Moldova. She received over 20 awards and distinctions in Romania and abroad.

RO: AURA CHRISTI (România, Republica Moldova), laureată a Premiului Academiei Române, este poet, romancier, eseist și editor. A publicat peste 60 de cărţi (poezie, roman, eseu) în România și în străinătate.
Poezia sa a fost tradusă în 18 limbi. A primit peste 20 de distincţii în România și în străinătate. Este redactor-șef al revistei „Contemporanul. Ideea Europeană”, care apare sub egida Academiei Române.
Asociaţia Scriitorilor Israelieni de Limbă Română și Centrul Cultural Israeliano-Român au desemnat-o „Omul Anului 2017”, i-au acordat Premiul „Opera Omnia” și medalia de argint „Recunoștinţa evreiască” pentru volumele „Psalmi” și „Planeta Israel”. I s-au mai acordat Premiul de excelenţă pentru contribuţia internaţională la poezie decernat la Gala Premiilor Săptămânii Internaţionale a Poeziei și Artei „Râul Miluo” din China (2020); Marele Premiu pentru Poezie „Sfântul Gheorghe” al Festivalului Internaţional de Poezie „Drumuri de spice” din Uzdin, Voivodina, Serbia (2021).

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Úgy vagyok testemben mint anyámban.
Ő azonban nem oázis, nem templom,
se föld, se fű, se talp, sem kikötő, sem emlék.
A testem nem hasonlít rám
sem a szüleimre, sem a szüleim szüleire.
De eretnek rovatában
a sötét üdítő mélységében
lusta növekedésben megörzödik:
emlék, vér, víz, álmok,
szüleim és minden ősöm szeszélyei, pihenése.
A testem nem az én képemre és hasonlatosságomra lett
A testem más valakihez hasonlít:
fiatalabbhoz, szebbhez, élénkebbhez.
Ki tagadhatná meg a vágyamat
hogy tökéletes testben lakjak?
Jön a védelmező zsenim egy hadsereg
római zsenivel, és megparancsolja: „Válassz!”
E gyönyörű fal előtt állok szinte emberi
izgalommal, reszketve.
És nem tudok, nem tudok dönteni.
Balázs F. Attila fordítása

I’m staying in my body, like in my mother.
Yet, it is neither my oasis,
nor my temple, or my earth,
my grass, my sole,
my harbour, or memory.
My body does not resemble me,
or my parents, or
my parents’ parents.
But in its eretic spine,
in its darkness, in its cooling abysm,
there keep, in a lazy growth:
the memory, blood, waters, dreams,
whims, sleep of my parents
and of all my forefathers.
My body was not created
after my face and resemblance.
My body looks like somebody else:
younger, more beautiful, more fiery.
Who could deny my desire
to inhabit a perfect body?
Here comes my guardian genius with an army
of Roman genii and orders to me: „Choose!”
I stand in front of this beautiful, live wall,
vibrating, almost human.
And I cannot, cannot make up my mind.

Stau în trupul meu ca-n cel al mamei.
El nu mi-e, însă, nici oază,
nici templu, nici pământ
nici iarbă, nici talpă,
nici liman, nici amintire.
Trupul meu nu seamănă cu mine,
nici cu părinţii mei, nici cu
părinţii părinţilor mei.
Dar în coloana lui eretică,
în beznă, abisu-i răcoritor,
se păstrează în leneşă creştere:
memoria, sângele, apele, visele,
capriciile, somnul părinţilor mei
şi al tuturor strămoşilor.
Trupul meu n-a fost creat
după chipul şi asemănarea mea.
Trupul meu seamănă cu altcineva:
mai tânăr, mai frumos, mai aprins.
Cine ar putea să-mi nege dorinţa
de a locui un trup desăvârşit?
Vine geniul meu protector cu o armată
de genii romane şi-mi porunceşte: „Alege!”
Stau în faţa acestui zid frumos, viu,
fremătând, aproape uman.
Şi nu pot, nu pot să mă decid.